Bob and Dawn Tufano try to retain the old values that made businesses succeed in the past, such as personal service, old world craftsmanship and a commitment to quality. Their philosophy is simple. They promise to provide your family or business with the needed work, done well, finished on time, and at a fair price, with all work guaranteed. We have become known for our expertise in high performance motor work and we specialize in Ford Mustangs. When it comes to auto repair in northern RI, more people have come to trust us – Dawn and Robert at D&B Performance. Regardless of the kind of car or the kind of repairs needed, we have become the team that more people trust. This team believes in old-fashioned, personalized service that has unfortunately been forgotten by many businesses throughout the years.

Services We Provide
Engine Diagnostics & Repair
Engine Swaps
Manual Transmission Work
Smoke Test & Emission Repair
Tire Service
Exhaust System
Preventative & Regular Maintenance
Carburetor and EFI Systems
Lube, Oil, & Filter
Suspension Service
Electronic Diagnostics & Repair
Diesel Service & Repair
Transmission Service
Heating, Ventilation, A/C
Rear Axle Service
Coolant Service
Various Filters
All Needed Greasing/Lubing
Fluid Changes & Flushes
Battery/Starter System
Engine Performance Work
General Vehicle Inspection
Contact Us

Monday thru Thursday
7:30am – 5:30pm
91 South Main Street
Route 100
Pascoag, RI 02859
(401) 710-9800
(833) 243-8748
(401) 710-9216
Night Drop Available